

Colored mixed sorted balls for the ball pool, bouncy castles, kid's birthdays and more. 

Balls are available in different amounts and different sizes and without a TÜV certificate. 
Subcategory of: Playground & Accessories
High quality therapy and play balls by EURO-MATIC balls 1000 pieces 60mm
1000 colored mixed sorted 60 mm EURO PLUS® play balls (Euromatic) available in the colors of blue, green, red, yellow, white and orange.
160.00 €*
high quality therapy and play balls by EURO-MATIC balls 500 pieces 60mm
Euromatic - a huge fun for children. Kids love to jump into the ball pool. In there they can let off steam to one's heart's content.
75.00 €*
high quality therapy and play balls by EURO-MATIC balls 500 pieces 75 mm
500 colored mixed assorted 75 mm EURO PLUS® play balls (Euromatic) in different colors like blue, green, red, yellow, white and orange.
160.00 €*
magenta-pink water shell with 100 colored balls (grey and light pink)
magenta-pink water shell with 100 colored balls
34.99 €*